bursalampung.com - PT. Pabrik Cat dan Tinta Pacific - Established in 1943, Pacific Paint marks the spot as the first paint company in Indonesia. Along with the era development, Pacific Paint constantly proves as the leading company in its field, specialized in decorative, industry, and automotive paint. Which puts Pacific Paint as the Indonesian market's premier choice. This advanced strength is also supported by the partnership with BASF of Germany to provide state-of-the-art paint technology.
Pacific Paint is the first paint company to receive recognition from ISO Certification for Management System Standards, which is ISO 9002 in 1994, then upgraded to ISO 9001 in 1996. The company remains committing to apply them until the present time.
1. Salesman
(area Bandar Lampung,Metro,Lampung Timur,Tanjung Bintang,Kalianda,Prengsewu,Kota Agung,Bandar Jaya,Kota bumi dan Tulang Bawang)
- Pria, usia maksimal 30 tahun
- Pendidikan min. SMU
- Pengalaman di bidang sales min. 2 tahun
- Memiliki SIM C dan kendaraan bermotor pribadi
- Bersedia mengikuti perjalanan dinas luar kota
- Tekun,Jujur dan Tanggung Jawab
- Lebih disukai berdomosili sesuai area kerja
2. Driver
- Pria
- Pendidikan minimal lulusan SMA
- Memiliki SIM A
- Jujur dan bertanggung jawab
- Dapat bekerja dalam tim
- Domisili Bandar Lampung dan sekitarnya
- Pengalaman Minimal 1 Tahun sebagai Driver
- Mengetahui seluruh Area Lampung
Kirimkan CV. Lamaran Lengkap Anda ke Alamat:
PT. Pabrik Cat dan Tinta Pacific
Jl. Teuku Umar No. 8A Kedaton Bandar Lampung
No Telepon: 0721700725
E-mail: wahyulmb@pacificpaint.com
Source: www.bursalampung.com